Assistive Technology (AT) Impact Fund
By supporting AT ventures in Africa through a combination of catalytic capital with expert-led venture-building, we aimed to unlock new solutions for scale, building AT ecosystems and driving change.
ATIF selected innovators that have an increased likelihood to scale, addressing the highest need in African markets and demonstrating the need for continued investment in other low and middle income countries.
Hear more on the challenges, learnings & mechanisms used in the AT Impact Fund Playbook - a window in to the venture experiences and a unique view into the fund itself.
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Assistive Tech Impact Playbook - a new window into the fund itself
Sharing the challenges, learnings & mechanism used to accelerate ventures entering & scaling in new markets across Africa.
Read moreWhat we do:
Grow AT companies
We de-risk AT and inclusive technology innovation that is on a path to sustainable scale in African economies, for follow-on investors and funders. Our team of venture builders assist with everything from business model development, to product design and distribution, to financing, marketing & more.
Provide catalytic funding
We invest venture building support and grant capital in AT and inclusive tech companies to test, validate and evidence their business model for scale. We have startup funding from UK Aid, through the AT2030 programme, and are fundraising to expand and extend our remit.
Facilitate the growth of the ecosystem
In order for AT companies to scale sustainably, we must contribute towards a thriving AT ecosystem. We’ll be investing not only in companies themselves but also in the development of the AT ecosystem by crowding in investors, developing partnerships, and sharing insights from our work.
Build and share evidence
Our team includes world-leading academics from UCL in the AT space. We will generate new insights and evidence on how to scale innovation that is designed to reach populations in Africa and will share our blueprint to help AT companies to thrive in emerging markets.
ATIF Portfolio
In 2021 we tested new financing, distribution and delivery models - focusing on innovative solutions to ongoing challenges:
MiracleFeet - bringing a low-cost, nonsurgical solutions for the treatment of impairment caused by clubfoot
hearX - increasing access to hearing aids by providing alternative distribution models and lay testing
Wazi - The first prescription eyewear brand designed and manufactured in Uganda
Koalaa - Affordable upper limb, soft prosthetic for the Sierra Leone market
OADCPH - facilitating access to quality AT to rehabilitation centres through technical support, innovative distribution and professional capacity development
Find out more about our investment portfolio or watch our recent webinar to meet the ventures or see our AT Impact Fund Playbook, a window in to the venture experiences and a unique view of the fund itself.
Find out more
The portfolioWhile new technologies and materials have reduced the cost and complexity of assistive and inclusive technology, innovation and new business models provide an opportunity to reach populations previously excluded.
Hear more on the challenges, learnings & mechanisms used in the AT Impact Fund Playbook - a window in to the venture experiences and a unique view into the fund itself.
Inside the AT Impact Fund
the playbook.Sponsors and partners
Featured Story
Mapping: AT innovators across emerging markets
First-of-its-kind visualisation of key innovators and stakeholders in the AT and disability innovation ecosystem created by Assistive Tech Impact Fund
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Sharing the challenges, learnings & mechanism used to accelerate ventures entering & scaling in new markets across Africa.

Regulations, standards and certifications play an important - this blog explores they are also one of the most difficult aspects of entrepreneurship.
Opportunities for disability innovation as an investment opportunity and why it remains a significantly under-filled gap.
First-of-its-kind visualisation of key innovators and stakeholders in the AT and disability innovation ecosystem created by Assistive Tech Impact Fund