Assistive Tech Impact Playbook - a new window into the fund itself
Sharing the challenges, learnings & mechanism used to accelerate ventures entering & scaling in new markets across Africa.
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March 16, 2022
Regulations in Assistive Technology
Regulations, standards and certifications play an important - this blog explores they are also one of the most difficult aspects of entrepreneurship.
December 8, 2021
Disability Lens Investment Webinar (catch-up) mapping the sector
Opportunities for disability innovation as an investment opportunity and why it remains a significantly under-filled gap.
December 6, 2021
Mapping: AT innovators across emerging markets
First-of-its-kind visualisation of key innovators and stakeholders in the AT and disability innovation ecosystem created by Assistive Tech Impact Fund

December 6, 2021
The story so far: Assistive Tech Impact Fund
Presenting key insights from the first cohort of AT ventures who are disrupting the archaic models of AT production and supply in the African market.

December 1, 2021
MiracleFeet: The human impact of foot braces in Nigeria and Liberia
A new report sharing findings from 200 parents and guardians of Nigerian and Liberian children who have undergone treatment using MiracleFeet brace.
November 23, 2021
AT Investment Webinar (catch-up): meet the ventures
Watch the recording to hear more about ATIF, see behind the scenes of the portfolio, and hear from the experts.

November 10, 2021
Changing the Investment Landscape
Understanding why AT investment is low and the importance of hero companies to shift the narrative and introduce investors to the sector.

November 1, 2021
Balancing Volatility - Emerging African Ecosystems
Exploring how immature and volatile markets require AT entrepreneurs to build businesses that do more, while developing value chains and partnerships

September 13, 2021
Can Paralympic sport break down barriers to assistive technology use in Africa?
Wheelchair tennis players from Zimbabwe and Ghana share their reflections on barriers to AT access and how Para sports can help break these down

April 30, 2021
How we do impactful research
Alongside investment and venture building, a core activity within our Fund is to conduct robust research, evidencing and insights creation.

January 5, 2021
Building the Assistive Technology ecosystem, one coffee at a time
We reflect on how we up skilled our internal team who were new to AT, and how we can apply the same approaches to building the ecosystem

December 3, 2020
Assistive Technology Impact Fund: £4m fund trialling impact investment
On the International Day of People with Disabilities, the new Assistive Tech Impact Fund has been launched out of the UK Aid-funded AT2030 programme.

December 3, 2020
UK Aid funding to support 10.5 million more people with access to life changing Assistive Technology through three innovative investments
In a year when COVID has hit disabled people the hardest, with even less support available, the need to trial bold approaches could not be greater.

September 8, 2020
Building a thriving AT innovation ecosystem
We are catalysing the assistive technology innovation ecosystem alongside other initiatives

September 6, 2020
Happy 4th Birthday GDI Hub!
Global Disability Innovation Hub celebrates its birthday with the launch of #DisabilityInnovationDay

September 6, 2020
Gender and disability in informal settlements
How are women, in particular disabled women, affected by COVID-19 in informal settlements?

September 3, 2020
Innovate Now Cohort 1.0 Winner
Africa’s first Assistive Technology Accelerator Announces USD 20000 Prize for First Winner